The Way Ministries Central, Inc.

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Servicios en Español:

Domingos, 9:00 AM

Jueves, 7:00 PM

English Service:

Wednesdays, 7:00 PM

Diverse People United in Christ

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Here's what's happening at The Way!

Our Mission

We are a body of diverse people, saved and forgiven by the grace of Jesus Christ. We exist to make God known in all the earth through His unfailing love and the proclamation of the Gospel. We are committed to discipling Servant Leaders through the teachings of the Bible, and together establishing the Kingdom of God wherever we go.

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Ways to Support

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion,

for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9:7

You can be a part of the mission that God has entrusted us with by sowing a monetary seed for this ministry. Every dollar amount you contribute will help us continue reaching souls for Jesus and restoring families through His Message of Hope.

Here are some methods to support The Way Ministries:

  • In person during one of our services:

        607 Frio City Rd.,

        San Antonio, TX 78227

  • CashApp: $TheWayPC

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